Monday – Friday:
7:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Saturday, Sunday, and
Federal Holidays:

Unite Program

In August 2016, Air Force Chief of Staff (CSAF) General David Goldfein, released his letter to Airmen titled, “The Beating Heart of the Air Force…Squadrons!” In turn, AFSVC established an activity-rich program that will equip empowered Squadron/Unit commanders with options to build and strengthen unit cohesion.

One component of CSAF Focus Area is #1: “Revitalizing Squadrons.” The primary focus is on units—rather than individuals, and Unite provides the funding to initiate programs benefiting all Airmen (anyone directly assigned to the squadron): Active Duty, Reserve, and Civilian (APF & NAF).

For any questions or more information, please contact Josh Brown, our Community Cohesion Coordinator. 

The Process

  • Step 1: Squadron Commander will designate a Unite POC for their squadron.
  • Step 2: Unite POC will meet with C3 to discuss Unite program. C3 will provide a menu of unit cohesive programs for the squadron to choose from. C3 will provide an Event Request form to the POC.
  • Step 3: Squadron POC will survey squadron to determine their interest and recommend to Squadron CC a unit cohesive activity via the Event Request Form.
  • Step 4: Squadron CC will sign the event request form if they agree to use their funds to support the proposed event.
  • Step 5: Squadron POC will return signed Event Request form to the C3.
  • Step 6: C3 will review and ensure request meets the program intent prior to sending to AFSVC. C3 reserves the right to request additional information and assist POC with revising request if necessary.
  • Step 7: C3 will submit event request to AFSVC for approval. Events must be submitted 7-10 days prior to event date.
  • Step 8: If approved, C3 will notify POC by email, and arrange payment for your event.
  • Step 9: Host your event and have fun!
  • Step 10: After Action Report (AAR)-POC must submit an AAR and event photos within 5 days of the event.

Be sure to download and fill out the appropriate forms (please see above).