Friday – Sunday: 12:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Monday – Thursday: Closed

Auto Skills

Auto Skills

The Auto Skills has the space and resources for the novice do-it-yourselfer to the experienced wrench. The Center offers a second pair of hands to help complete work and suggest tools for the job. Currently the Auto Shop does not serve as a certified auto mechanic shop. Also available is the Chilton Manual references on demand. 

Total of 10 bays available of either flat or with lifts. Service is on a first come, first served basis.

What We Do

We have five flat bays and six bays with vehicle lifts (all equipped with hand tools and a work bench). The purpose of this shop is to provide basic tools and a place for Gunfighters to work on their vehicles.

What We Do

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Library Story Time
Deployers reading program